Welcome to the Attendance, Safety, and Security Department
The Bessemer City School System believes that regular school attendance is important to students and to the school system. Regular attendance by students facilitates development of the skills and knowledge necessary to function in society. Therefore, the Board endeavors to secure, in compliance with Alabama law, the prompt and regular attendance of students and to secure their proper conduct and to hold the parents/guardians or other persons in charge or control of students responsible and liable for such students' nonattendance and improper conduct.
It is important that each person connected with the school system understand the importance of maintaining a consistent set of behavior standards in order to establish a positive learning environment. This can only be accomplished in schools where the environment is free from distraction caused by disruptive behavior. Creating such an environment requires the cooperation of the parents/guardians, students, Board of Education and all employees of the school system.

Linda Roper Richardson
Please contact us if we can be of assistance to you.
For more information, contact:
Linda Roper Richardson, Ed.S.
Director of Attendance, Safety, and Security
Erika Dabney Olivia Johnson Robin Smith
Data Manager Support Specialist Executive Secretary
205.432.3024 205.432.3046 205.432.3018