Second-Grade Child Find

Alabama began looking at criteria for the identification of potentially gifted students. OCR found that Alabama has an under-representation of minority and economically disadvantaged students in gifted programs.

They asked that school systems consider every student as a potential gifted referral at some point in their school career.  Second grade was chosen because that is when most referrals are generated and assessment becomes more valid and reliable.

During the first semester of 2nd grade, each student is observed as a potential gifted referral. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that students from all populations and socioeconomic groups, as well as students with disabilities and students with limited - English proficiencies, are given the opportunity to be considered for gifted services.

During the process, the classroom teacher and gifted specialist look at aptitude, characteristics, and performance indicators and the NNAT-2 (a non-verbal aptitude screener). By looking at all these indicators, teachers should be able to make an accurate decision regarding student selection for gifted referrals.

This is not the only time a child can be referred. This ensures that every child has been considered at some point in his/her school career.

Second-grade child find referrals follow the same process and eligibility criteria as standard referrals. 

Second-grade child find referrals do not have to follow the 90-day rule concerning referral to placement; however, all 2nd-grade child find referrals must be complete in the fall before gifted services can begin.